Sunday, August 7, 2011

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. This observance provides the opportunity to remind the community of the importance of immunization. Make sure that your family and friends are up-to-date on their immunizations.

In August, parents are enrolling children in school, older students are entering college and adults and the health care community are preparing for the upcoming flu season. This makes August a particularly good time to focus community attention on the value of immunization. 

Vaccines are responsible for the control of many infectious diseases that were once common in this country. Vaccines have reduced and, in some cases, eliminated many diseases that once routinely killed or harmed tens of thousands of infants, children and adults.The viruses and bacteria that cause vaccine-preventable diseases and death still exist and can infect people who are not protected by vaccines.

Source: National Partnership for Immunization (

A 2006 Study by Chapman & Coups found that worry and regret were stronger predictors for receiving vaccinations than perceived risk in preventative health decisions. Psychologists can help work through emotions that may be preventing you from making the best health decisions!

For more information about immunizations, please visit the CDC's Immunization Information Page

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