Over 40 students, faculty, and community members attended this event, which included an expert panel consisting of mental health professionals and survivors of eating disorders. Dr. Heather Guthrie represented the Ohio Psychological Association on the panel. Other panelists included Michael Hicks, M.S.Ed., LPC from the CSCC Counseling Center, Samantha Tortora, M.A., LPC-CR from the Center for Balanced Living, Sarah Blanda, and Courtney Ruppert, M.A.

Although National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is over, there will always be a need to spread awareness of Eating Disorders. NEDA has a great plethora of resources that you can utilize to spread awareness at this website: http://nedawareness.org/. Here is the direct link to posters and other resources: http://nedawareness.org/get-involved/materials