□ Be prepared!
o Have your handouts, giveaways, and sign ready to go for the day of the fair.
o Consider bringing materials in a rolling bag: you don’t know how far you might need to walk.
o Arrive on time if not early to set up.
o Bring snacks/water if they are not provided for you.
o Wear comfortable shoes—you may be standing a lot or have to walk far.
o Bring a camera to record your efforts for news releases.
o Wear branded clothing or dress professionally yet comfortably
□ Be approachable!
o Smile and make eye contact with passerbys
o Stand up and/or get out from behind the table (if you’re sitting talking to other volunteers no one will approach you).
o Initiate conversation: ask questions such as “Feeling stressed? Need help coping with stress? Do you have stress in your life?”
o Use giveaways as conversation starters: “Want a free stress magnet? Let me give you some information on how to cope with stress.”
□ Stay on message
o Remember, your role is communicate the value of psychologists: “Here is some information that tells you how psychologists can help you with this health problem, stress, etc.”
o “I thought psychologists were just for crazy people”: “Psychologists help everyday people with any type of behavior change—like managing stressful events, health issues, etc.”
o “Psychologists are the experts in behavior change” “Psychologists are experts in stress management”: Own our expertise!!!
o Hand people you are talking to information: they won’t necessarily take for themselves: don’t be shy—it’s free!
□ Remember ethical principles
o Your role is provide education and information, not to treat participants
o If participants bring up personal issues, this is an opportunity to share how a psychologist might help and provide referral resources
o Always provide a variety of referrals (i.e., not one referral to your own office)
o If you are a psychology student, have a psychologist on hand for consultation in person or by phone. You are not alone!