Sunday, July 26, 2009

APA 2009 Convention: Public Interest Program Highlights

Incarceration prevention, treatment, and parole; aging and health care reform; child maltreatment; children's literacy and learning; practice issues related to individuals with disabilities; psychosocial issues related to the end of life; ethnic minority training; ethnic minority research; HIV/AIDS and personality disorders; homelessness; therapeutic responses to sexual orientation; research and training funding; violence and ethnic minority youth; women's leadership training; and trafficking. These are just a few of the topics addressed by Public Interest related programming at APA's 2009 convention. Visit for deta ils and highlights.

APA Logo

Saturday, July 11, 2009

ASL Video Podcast

The National Network of ADA Centers announces new episodes on the Disability Law Lowdown website. The first video podcast series in American Sign Language bring a new level of service to the Deaf community by expanding traditional audio-only podcasts to include video that allows subscribers too see native Deaf speakers signing the show’s content. The podcasts deliver the latest in disability law information via American Sign Language, captioning, voice-over, and transcripts to maximize accessibility. Free subscriptions to the ASL podcasts are available to have shows automatically delivered to MP3 players. The ASL podcasts are also available on the Disability Law Lowdown website, where transcripts of the shows are simultaneously available. For the fastest viewing, go to .

Topics currently available include: Tax Incentives, Voting Rights, Ticket to Work, Housing, Your Rights with Law Enforcement, Workplace Accommodations, Your Legal Rights as a College Student, Legal Obligations of the Hospitality Industry, Requesting an Interpreter, and an Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Disability Law Lowdown is provided by the Disability Business Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC), a national network of ten ADA Centers across the country, offering technical assistance and training in the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability-related laws. To reach the center that serves your area call 1-800-949-4232 v/tty. To subscribe, look for the ASL Disability Law Lowdown podcast on iTunes, or visit

Sources of Multilingual Health Information

The Refugee Health Information Network (RHIN) is a national collaborative partnership managed by refugee health professionals whose objective is to provide quality multilingual, health information resources for those providing care to resettled refugees and asylees.

University of Washington started with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation. It provides free access to patient education materials and information about numerous language and cultural groups.

Health Information Translations
This site, formed by three of the largest health care organizations in the state of Ohio, offers patient information in 17 languages, on topics such as disaster preparedness, surgeries, pregnancy, and various other subject areas.

National Network of Libraries of Medicine
This website includes links to an array of in-language materials and other resources.

Healthy Roads Media
This portal houses materials in 18 different languages in many formats, including print materials, audio, multimedia, web video, and mobile video (iPod).

24 Languages Project
This effort from the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library has audio recordings and brochures in English as well as -- you guessed it -- 24 other languages.

Language Services Resource Guide For Healthcare Providers
See page 74 for a list of sources for multilingual health information.

Medline Plus: Health Information in Multiple Languages

Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages

Hmong Health Website

The Diversity Health Institute Clearinghouse
The Diversity Health Institute Clearinghouse is a central access point for information on multicultural health in Australia and contains links to a range of translated health information. The Clearinghouse is funded by the NSW government but sources content from across Australia and internationally if the information is relevant to the Australian community.