Tuesday, October 20, 2009

National Drug-Free Work Week

Did You Know? October 19-23 is National Drug-Free Work Week. This is a week sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, dedicated time each year to highlight the benefits that drug-free workplace programs bring to employers, workers and communities. It’s also a time to work toward making every week a drug-free work week!

According to recent research, it’s a message that many workers need to hear.

  • 75 percent of the nation’s current illegal drug users are employed—and 3.1 percent say they have actually used illegal drugs before or during work hours.
  • 79 percent of the nation’s heavy alcohol users are employed—and 7.1 percent say they have actually consumed alcohol during the workday.
For more information, visit the DOL's Drug-Free Work Week website.

OPA Convention

October 21-23 is the Ohio Psychological Association's 60th Convention! For more information, please visit their convention website. The convention will be held at Quest Conference Centers in Polaris (north of Columbus, OH). There are numerous presentations on social responsibility and social justice issues throughout the conference -- please browse the presentations and consider attending!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st: International Day of Older Persons

Today is the 19th Annual Celebration of the International Day of Older Persons. This special day recognizes the contributions of older persons and draws continued attention to the issues of global aging.

This year also marks the tenth anniversary of the International Year ofOlder Persons. The theme - "Towards a Society for All Ages" - continues to guide nations in creating communities for both young and old. In his message for the International Day of Older Persons, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon noted that this motto emphasizes the need to treat older persons as both agents and beneficiaries of development. This emphasis on the positive contributions of older persons -- and theUnited Nations Principles for Older Persons -- take on even greater importance as the world struggles to confront global food, energy, climate, financial and economic crises. Secretary Ban Ki Moon also urged nations to end age discrimination, abuse, neglect and violence against older persons. The 19th Annual Commemoration of the International Day of Older Persons "Aging Activism: A Global Tool to Create a Society for All Ages" will be held on October 8, 2009, United Nations Headquarters, New York.

For more information about this year's celebration of the International Day of Older Persons, go to http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/un_meetings.html.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Recovery Month 2009

Did You Know? September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. More than 23 million people aged 12 or older needed treatment for a substance use disorder in the United States in 2007, and in Ohio alone, over 900 thousand individuals over the age of 12 per month report dependency and/or addiction to alcohol or illicit drugs. Many people do not understand that addiction is a treatable disease, and this misconception can keep people from getting help. In 2007, as many as 20.8 million people nationwide needed but did not receive treatment at a specialty facility. For more information, please visit the National Recovery Month 2009 website.

Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month. The month, created by Educational Television Network over 15 years ago, is part of the Healthy Aging® Campaign, a national, ongoing health promotion designed to broaden awareness of the positive aspects of aging and to provide inspiration for adults, ages 50-plus, to improve their physical, mental, social and financial health. Having a positive attitude towards aging helps one age more healthy! For more information, please visit the Healthy Aging website.

Sept 6-12 is Suicide Prevention Week

September 6-12, 2009 is Suicide Prevention Week. In the United States, one person takes their own life every 16 minutes. Each suicide affects at least six other people, including family members, friends and treating professionals. Ohio ranks #29 among all the states in number of suicides. Risk factors include mental illness, substance abuse, previous suicide attempts, hopelessness, access to lethal means, recent loss of loved, ones, unemployment and vulnerability to self-harm (just a few examples). For more information, or to download the informational kit for National Suicide Prevention week, please visit the American Association of Suicidology website.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 9-15th is National Health Center Week

Did You Know? August 9-15th is National Health Center Week. This week is dedicated to recognizing the service and contributions of Community, Migrant, Homeless and Public Housing Health Centers in providing access to affordable, high quality, cost-effective health care to medically vulnerable and underserved people in the U.S.

This year's commemoration is especially important as the National Association of Community Health Center sets its sights on the goals of our ACCESS for All America plan to serve 30 million people by 2015. Community, Migrant, and Homeless Health Centers are partnerships of people, governments, and communities working to meet health needs. They constitute a vital safety net in the nation’s health delivery system that is meeting escalating health needs, reducing health disparities, and bringing doctors and health services into medically underserved areas. Today, this growing nationwide network of over 1,200 health centers serves more than 18 million people at 7,000 urban and rural communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

For more information, please visit the National Health Center Week website at http://www.healthcenterweek.org/. For the list of Ohio observances, please visit this direct link.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

APA 2009 Convention: Public Interest Program Highlights

Incarceration prevention, treatment, and parole; aging and health care reform; child maltreatment; children's literacy and learning; practice issues related to individuals with disabilities; psychosocial issues related to the end of life; ethnic minority training; ethnic minority research; HIV/AIDS and personality disorders; homelessness; therapeutic responses to sexual orientation; research and training funding; violence and ethnic minority youth; women's leadership training; and trafficking. These are just a few of the topics addressed by Public Interest related programming at APA's 2009 convention. Visit http://www.apa.org/convention09/program/pi-program.html for deta ils and highlights.

APA Logo

Saturday, July 11, 2009

ASL Video Podcast

The National Network of ADA Centers announces new episodes on the Disability Law Lowdown website. The first video podcast series in American Sign Language bring a new level of service to the Deaf community by expanding traditional audio-only podcasts to include video that allows subscribers too see native Deaf speakers signing the show’s content. The podcasts deliver the latest in disability law information via American Sign Language, captioning, voice-over, and transcripts to maximize accessibility. Free subscriptions to the ASL podcasts are available to have shows automatically delivered to MP3 players. The ASL podcasts are also available on the Disability Law Lowdown website, where transcripts of the shows are simultaneously available. For the fastest viewing, go to www.youtube.com/disabilitylawlowdown .

Topics currently available include: Tax Incentives, Voting Rights, Ticket to Work, Housing, Your Rights with Law Enforcement, Workplace Accommodations, Your Legal Rights as a College Student, Legal Obligations of the Hospitality Industry, Requesting an Interpreter, and an Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Disability Law Lowdown is provided by the Disability Business Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC), a national network of ten ADA Centers across the country, offering technical assistance and training in the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability-related laws. To reach the center that serves your area call 1-800-949-4232 v/tty. To subscribe, look for the ASL Disability Law Lowdown podcast on iTunes, or visit ASL.DisabilityLawLowdown.com.

Sources of Multilingual Health Information

The Refugee Health Information Network (RHIN) is a national collaborative partnership managed by refugee health professionals whose objective is to provide quality multilingual, health information resources for those providing care to resettled refugees and asylees.

University of Washington started with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation. It provides free access to patient education materials and information about numerous language and cultural groups.

Health Information Translations
This site, formed by three of the largest health care organizations in the state of Ohio, offers patient information in 17 languages, on topics such as disaster preparedness, surgeries, pregnancy, and various other subject areas.

National Network of Libraries of Medicine
This website includes links to an array of in-language materials and other resources.

Healthy Roads Media
This portal houses materials in 18 different languages in many formats, including print materials, audio, multimedia, web video, and mobile video (iPod).

24 Languages Project
This effort from the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library has audio recordings and brochures in English as well as -- you guessed it -- 24 other languages.

Language Services Resource Guide For Healthcare Providers
See page 74 for a list of sources for multilingual health information.

Medline Plus: Health Information in Multiple Languages

Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages

Hmong Health Website

The Diversity Health Institute Clearinghouse
The Diversity Health Institute Clearinghouse is a central access point for information on multicultural health in Australia and contains links to a range of translated health information. The Clearinghouse is funded by the NSW government but sources content from across Australia and internationally if the information is relevant to the Australian community.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New CDC Website for Youth Violence Statistics

Violent injury and death disproportionately affect adolescents and young adults in the United States. Homicide is the second leading cause of death among youth aged 10-24 years. Violence is also a major cause of nonfatal injuries among youth. However, it is possible to prevent violence and help our youth to live healthier and more fulfilling lives. Monitoring and tracking trends in youth violence across the United States provides critical data to help prevent youth violence.

CDC's new website provides national and state-specific statistics on youth homicide and non-fatal assault-related injury rates. These data can help public health officials, researchers, practitioners and the public to describe and monitor youth violence trends and to develop and evaluate prevention programs and strategies. Together we can create communities in which youth are safe from violence.

To view the new Youth Violence Statistics website, click here.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 15-21: Men's Health Week

Did You Know? June 15-21, 2009 is Men's Health Week.The purpose of Men's Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This week gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. For more information, please visit the Men's Health Week website.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7-13 is National Headache Awareness Week

During National Headache Awareness Week (June 7-13, 2009), the National Headache Foundation (NHF) is launching “Headache U: It’s all about YOU,” the first headache education program of its kind designed to help people with headache take important steps toward getting relief. Each year, 90% of all men and 95% of all women have at least one headache . Despite many people having frequent and sometimes severe headaches that affect their family, social and work life, most do not actively seek relief from their condition .

Four simple strategies can get sufferers on the right course to relief:

- Realize that headaches matter, and take your headaches seriously;
- Learn all you can – be a student of your own headaches;
- Pay more attention to your personal headache patterns – track your headaches, and try to find clues to triggers and solutions;
- Take control and get the help and care you deserve: many resources are available.

For more information, please visit the National Headache Awareness Week website or go direct to the "Headache U" website.

Did You Know? June is Aphasia Awareness Month

June is National Aphasia Awareness Month. Aphasia is a communication disorder that impacts an individual's ability to process language, and affects approximately one in 250 people in the United States. Although aphasia most commonly affects older adults, it can occur in individuals of all ages, ethnicities and gender. Individuals with aphasia may struggle with depression secondary to the difficulty communicating thoughts and feelings, and the treatment of depression allows the individual to cope with the aphasia and focus on recovery. For more information about aphasia, please visit the National Aphasia Association.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Older Americans' Mental Health Week

May 24-30 is Older Americans' Mental Health Week. Depression and other mental illnesses are NOT a normal part of aging! The goal of this week is to raise awareness of the impact of mental illnesses in this age group, reduce stigma of mental illness and treatment, and encourage public policy that supports positive mental health in older adults. For more information, please visit the Older Americans' Mental Health Week website.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

National Women's Health Week: May 10-16

Celebrate National Women's Health Week May 10 through 16, 2009. The theme "It's Your Time" encourages women to take simple steps towards a longer, healthier and happier life. During this week, women are encouraged to start eating healthy, exercise daily, and visit your doctor for routine screenings, as well as paying more attention to positive mental and emotional health! For more information, visit the National Women's Health Week website.

May is Older Americans Month

May is Older Americans Month! Older adults are the fastest-growing segment of the population, and Older Americans Month celebrates those over the age of 65. For more information, please visit the Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May is Mental Health Month!

Mental Health Month is celebrated in May as an opportunity to provide information about positive mental health to the greater community. This year's theme is Life Your Life Well, and more information can be found on Mental Health America's 2009 website.

The Ohio Psychological Association, in collaboration with the Chalmers P. Wylie VA Care Center is sponsoring a Mental Health Month event on Wednesday, May 20th from 9-3pm. There will be twelve speakers on various mental health topics, as well as informational booths from local mental health organizations. For more information, visit the OPA Mental Health Month website.

Friday, April 24, 2009

CDC's Health Aging Program Bief

The CDC's Healthy Aging Program has released the 2nd Issue Brief in The State of Mental Health Aging series. The 2nd Issue Brief describes 3 selected evidence-based interventions for community-dwelling older adults.

The 1st Issue Brief (released in late 2008) presents national-level data on 6 indicators of mental health for adults 50 years old and older.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 25 - May 2: National Infertility Awareness Week

Did You Know? April 25 - May 2nd is National Infertility Awareness Week. More than five million individuals and couples in the U.S. struggle with infertility, and those struggling with infertility may experience difficulty with depression, anxiety, self-esteem and identity. For more information about NIAW, please visit the RESOLVE website.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11 is World Parkinson's Day

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month in the U.S. but the entire world celebrates April 11th as World Parkinson's Day. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the disorder and research being conducted on Parkinson's, as well as being a day of advocacy for individuals with Parkinson's and their families.

For more information about Parkinson's Awareness Month, visit the National Parkinson's Foundation. Or for more information about Parkinson's Disease, visit the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) informational page.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

FYI: CDC Report on Drug Use and Sexual Behaviors

From the CDC, Drug Use and Sexual Behaviors Reported by Adults: United States, 1999–2002 (opens as a .pdf file). Data are from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), and are for adults age 20-59.

Monday, April 6, 2009

NE Ohio Senior Adult Spelling Bee: Sunday, April 26

The NE Ohio Senior Adult spelling bee will be here soon! If you are 55 or older, and if you rarely need spell check, then consider enrolling for this free, fun, "social/cognitive" event on Sunday, April 26th, 2:00 pm at Laurel Lake Retirement Community in Hudson, Ohio (200 Laurel Lake Drive). Grand prize winner goes to Cheyenne, Wyoming for free (round trip for two plus hotel for two nights) and gets to compete in the AARP spelling bee for anyone age 50+. The other top 4 spellers will take home some very nice prizes as well. If you would like to just observe and have free food and entertainment, please do attend. Our theme is earth week and there will be environmental info available during the event as well.

We have a written round first and then the top spellers advance to the oral rounds.

To register as a contestant, call 330-678-9210 or via email: cha@en.com. There is more info on the site, www.centerforhealthyaging.com .

Friday, April 3, 2009

National Public Health Week April 6-12

Did You Know? April 6-12th is National Public Health Week. The theme for the week is Building the Foundation for a Healthy America. The American Public Health Association's website has information for individuals, families, and communities to improve our health and recommit to a healthier future.

Cut It Out: Fighting Domestic Violence

"Cut it Out" is a program developed by the Salons against Domestic Violence fund. Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray is re-launching the "Cut It Out" program in Ohio. For more information, please read the NBC4 story or go directly to the "Cut It Out" website.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

April 2009 Awareness

Did You Know? April is....

Sexual Assault Awareness Month
The theme is Prevent Sexual Violence...in our workplaces, with the slogan Respect Works! April 8 is the SAAM Day of Action

National Minority Health Month
The theme is Ordinary Couples Don't Plan Their Pregnancies: Be Extraordinary! Preconception health is a family affair.
Also be sure to visit the National Minority Health Month Foundation website.

Alcohol Awareness Month
April 9th is National Alcohol Screening Day

National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Contains a resource guide and community resource materials.

National Autism Awareness Month
April 2 is World Autism Day

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

National MS Education and Awareness Month is an effort by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (MSF) and affiliated groups to raise the public's awareness of multiple sclerosis. The vital goals of this campaign are to promote an understanding of the scope of this disease, and to assist those with MS in making educated decisions about their healthcare. For more information, please visit the MS Foundation's website or the National MS Society's website.

Friday, March 13, 2009

March 16-22 is Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week, which is March 16-22, 2009, is an event geared towards informing the public about neuroscience research and to increase public awareness about the brain.

For more information, please visit the Society for Neuroscience Brain Awareness Week website, or the Dana Foundation's International Brain Awareness Week website.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March is Women's History Month

Did you know that March is Women's History Month? This year's theme is "Women Taking the Lead to Save our Planet." Read President Obama's Proclamation for Women's History Month!

For more information about the month visit the National Women's History Project or for information about women in history and famous women leaders, visit the InfoPlease website.

Ohio Events

The Ohio Statehouse will celebrate and honor important women in the history of Ohio during Women's History Month, March 1 – 31, 2009, with tours of the Ladies' Gallery and a special display. A small display will be on view in the Ohio Statehouse Map Room. The exhibition will focus on books by or about Ohio women. The display will feature children's authors, politicians, activists and women in the arts. The exhibition is presented in partnership with the Ohioana Library. Ohio Statehouse visitors will have the opportunity to visit the Ladies' Gallery during their tour. The Ladies' Gallery is a place of honor and learning in the Ohio Statehouse. The room pays homage to Ohio's first six women legislators who paved the way for women in government. The room also honors all women who have served in the Ohio General Assembly.

Third Annual Women Trailblazers Panel Discussion — 7 to 9 on March 5, 2009, Martin University Center, 105 Fir Hill, University of Akron. Moderator, Debra Adams Simmons, Cleveland Plain Dealer managing editor. Panel members: Cynthia Flynn Capers, Ph.D., registered nurse, professor, university coordinator of Academic Leadership Initiatives, interim dean, College of Education, University of Akron; Theresa Carter, president, Omnova Solutions Foundation; Marigold Linton, Ph.D., director, American Indian Outreach, University of Kansas; Dr. Helen Qammar, director, Institute for Teaching and Learning, associate professor of chemical and bio molecular engineering, University of Akron; and Lisa M. Vidacs, senior vice president, Cash Operation, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Free. Reservations, 330-972-6446.

Women in Blues — The Northeast Ohio Blues Association, along with ArtsinStark, will present the Women in Blues music series. Saturday: 1:30 to 3 p.m., ''Classic Blues Singers'' workshop with Jen Maurer; 3:30 to 5 p.m., ''Making a Connection With the Audience'' workshop with Veronica Krug; 8:30 p.m. to midnight performance by Back Alley Gatorz with Susan Minton. Sunday: 1 to 3 p.m. ''Lyrics - From a Man's to a Woman's Point of View'' workshop with Kristine Jackson; 3 to 4 p.m. NEOBA meeting; 4 to 8 p.m. Second Sunday Blues Jam featuring Kristine Jackson with Jen Maurer and Craig Wise of Mo Mojo and Collette Venables of Blues Alliance. All workshops are free. Evening performances are $5. All events will be held at Don Panchos Tex-Mex Cafe, 2105 W. State St., Alliance. 330-257-2013 or http://www.donpanchostexmexcafe.com.

Women's History Month Presentation — 7 p.m. Tuesday, University of Akron Student Union Theatre. Guerrilla Girls on Tour! New York City-based touring theater company will present Feminists Are Funny. For more information, call 330-972-7008 or visit http://www.uakron.edu/ws.

Family Day Celebration — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 14, International Women's Air & Space Museum, 1501 N. Marginal Road, Cleveland. The museum will be celebrating Women's History Month with a new exhibit on Amelia Earhart titled Flight to Fame: The Life & Legacy of Amelia Earhart. Free. 216-623-1111 or http://www.iwasm.org.

''In The Company of Extraordinary Women'' — 4 p.m. March 21 and 22, Hower House, 60 Fir Hill, Akron. Honoring great women of the past at a tea featuring an actress portraying Grace Hower Crawford, who will be the hostess for a Victorian Tea and actresses portraying Elizabeth Buchtel, co-founder of the University of Akron; Sister Ignatia, a key figure in Alcoholics Anonymous; and Mary Wright Pierson, one of the first female doctors of the Western Reserve. For information, call 330-972-6909.

The Struggle for the Vote: Women's Suffrage — 7 p.m. March 24, Cuyahoga Falls Library, 2015 Third St., Cuyahoga Falls. Victorian expert Laura Loew tells about suffragettes and their cause. 330-928-2117.

Women's History Month Speaker — 7 p.m. March 26, University of Akron Student Union Theatre, University of Akron. Vinie Burrows will present Sister! Sister! a collection of narratives celebrating the joys and struggles of women from around the world. For more information, call 3360-972-7008 or visit http://www.uakron.edu/ws.

National Girls and Women in Sports Day — 2 to 6 p.m. March 29, Alliance Family YMCA, 205 S. Union Ave. The event is a collaborative effort that allows representatives of women's sports to educate girls and young women about the benefits of sports and to participate in sports. 330-823-1930.

Women's History Month Convocation — 10:35 a.m. March 31, Mount Union College, Dewald Chapel, 1972 Clark Ave., Alliance. Ohio State Auditor Mary Taylor will be the featured speaker. Free. 330-823-6063.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

National Sleep Awareness Week 2009

March 1-8th is National Sleep Awareness Week. Many Americans do not get the recommended amount of sleep, and more people are turning to medications to help them sleep. Sleep disorders affect more than 70 million adults in the U.S. although many individuals may not know that they have a sleep disorder. Psychologists can provide behavioral therapy that is quite effective for many sleep disorders.

For more information, please visit the following sites:

National Sleep Foundation
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
NIH/NIMH Sleep Disorders Information

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Upcoming Conferences

With implications for public interest!

"Mental Health Care in America: Past, Present and Future."
The event will take place on Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24, 2009 at the University of Akron. To see the conference schedule and obtain registration information go to: http://www3.uakron.edu/ahap/news/mhc_conference_2009.phtml.

"The Ethics of Multiple Relationships and Boundary Issues"
"Ethical Considerations in a Multicultural World"
Held on April 17-18, 2009 at the Airport Marriott, Columbus. For more information or to register, go to: www.ohpsych.org/opaceworkshops.aspx . Register for both days and receive a discount!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Eating Disorders Awareness Week -- Feb 22-28

The aim of NEDAwareness Week is to ultimately prevent eating disorders and body image issues while reducing the stigma surrounding eating disorders and improving access to treatment. Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening illnesses — not choices — and it’s important to recognize the pressures, attitudes and behaviors that shape the disorder.

For more information, visit the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week site or the Ohio Psychological Association site for more information.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Conference-- Innovation through collaboration: Building a community response to family violence

This conference will bring participants together from across five different professional sectors, as well as from around the nation. The conference, entitled "Innovation Through Collaboration: Building a Community Response to Family Violence" strives through both its structure and its content to realize the vision embodied by its title.

In addition to general sessions, participants can select from more than 55 presentations and master classes. Five programming tracks – Business, Health Care, Legal, Victim Services, and Faith -- each offer sessions that highlight promising practices, emerging issues, and collaborative efforts in addressing family violence in our communities. (Cross registration across the tracks is not only allowed but encouraged!) For more information, please visit their website at this link.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Aging Resources for Psychologists

Shared by the APA Office on Aging:

The Science Directorate has put together three booklets as part of the 2008 Grand Challenges Initiative of Past-President Alan E. Kazdin, the goal of which was to identify and offer insights and solutions to a number of the grand challenges facing our society. They are Prolonging Vitality, Global Climate Change, and Health Disparities. The booklet on Prolonging Vitality describes "how psychologists are researching ways to improve the quality of life for this large portion of the population." http://www.apa.org/science/GC-ProlongingVitality-small.pdf

The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has prepared a series of 7 issue briefs that offer policy recommendations for: integration of mental health in primary care; medical homes; chronic care management; integration of mental health in the public health system; the role of public insurance programs (Medicaid, SCHIP and Medicare); and improving the quality of care. http://www.bazelon.org/issues/mentalhealth/publications/index.htm

Slides and audio of presentations from the NIA Cognitive Aging Summit held in October 2007 are now available on the McKnight Brain Research Foundation's website. http://www.health.ufl.edu/brain/summit/index.htm

AARP will be holding a Diversity and Aging in the 21st Century conference, June 8-10, 2009 at the Marriott Downtown Hotel in Chicago. The theme of the conference is the Power of Inclusion. www.aarp.org/diversityandaging

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Celebrate Black History Month!

Did You Know? February is Black History Month. Here is a list of Ohio events (not comprehensive):

The Ohio Statehouse
Celebrates Black History Month during the month of February with a special educational display, special tours of the George Washington Williams Room and a special soul food menu at the Capitol Cafe each Wednesday and free Wednesday lunch-time concerts. Special Black History Month exhibition runs through February 28, 2009. Lunch-Time Concerts & Soul Food Wednesdays at the Capitol Cafe Each Wednesday in February; February 4, 11, 18, 25, 2009, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. George Washington Williams Room Tours; Visit the room which memorializes Ohio's first African-American legislator.
Price: Free

The Ohio State University
Black History Month Cultural Celebration, February 27, 2009 (All Day). The Black History Month Cultural Celebration will bring African American arts (i.e. dance, painting, music) and food to the Fisher College of Business campus. Art from local/OSU artists will be displayed and dancers/steppers will be asked to perform. The event is being planned as a culmination to our Black History Month .

The King Arts Complex
Click here for a full schedule of events.

Underground Railroad
As the gateway to the Northwest Territory - the first territory to outlaw slavery - Ohio was crisscrossed by Underground Railroad routes. Through displays, videos, and presentation, this exhibit will highlight the travels and travails of those who worked together on the journey to freedom.
Address (Homepage)
Historic Fort Steuben
120 South 3rd Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
Monday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Friday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Admission: FREE

Ohio University
See this site for a full list. Also visit http://www.ohio.edu/culturalcenter/ for additional information.

Youngstown State and City of Youngstown
Click here for all events

List of events from the Plain Dealer

Black History Month Jazz Lunch at OSU Mansfield. Monday, Feb 2, 200912 pm Presented By: OSU Mansfield. In the Eisenhower Campus Cafe, enjoy live jazz provided by the Ontario High School Dixieland Jazz Combo, along with jambalaya or blackened chicken with red beans and rice, fried green tomatoes, cornbread, and a beverage at a special discounted price. For more information, visit http://www.mansfield.ohio-state.edu/.

List of University of Ashland events.
Ashland Community and Technical College Events:
Videos on influential African-Americans will kick off Black History Month at ACTC. The videos will be shown in the College Drive Campus Teleconference Room from noon until 1 p.m.
  • Feb. 2; The Roberts Drive Campus Cafeteria from 11 a.m. until noon Feb. 3; and the Technology Drive Campus Lounge Area from 11 a.m. until noon Feb. 4.
  • Feb. 18; Affrilachian Poet Frank X. Walker will speak at noon Feb. 18 in the ACTC College Drive Campus Teleconference Room. Walker is a founder of the Affrilachian Poets. He will discuss the origins of the word "Affrilachia" and assess the group's impact on regional literature. He will read some of his own poetry and works by such influential Affrilachian poets as Nikky Finney, Crystal Wilkinsen, Kelly Norman Ellis and Bernard Clay.
  • Feb. 28th; Dancing for Your Soul: a Hip-Hop Dance Revue, will be held at 2 p.m. Feb. 28 in the J. B. Sowards Theatre at the College Drive Campus. The program will feature hip-hop dance routines by performers from area dance studios and performing companies. The free program and reception are sponsored by the ACTC Multicultural Student Organization.

Three community black history programs are offered with the theme, "The Rhythm of Life: Celebrate Our Musical Roots."

  • A Night at the Apollo will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 7 at the Paramount Arts Center.
    A Night at the Apollo gives amateur Tri-State performers a chance to share their talents in music, song, dance, poetry, comedy and drama. Audience admission is $5 for adults and $1 for children under 12. A Night at the Apollo is both a performance venue and a talent contest. Amateur solo and group performers may enter the contest. Prizes are $200, $100 and $50 for adults and $75, $50 and $25 for youths up to age 12. The entry fee is $5 per act, and registration is through the Highlands Museum & Discovery Center. The registration deadline is Feb. 2.
  • Gospel Night will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Highlands Museum & Discovery Center.
    Previous Gospel Night performers have included the Antioch Male Chorus from Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Huntington, Ashland Community Chorus, Christ Temple Choir from Ashland, Spiritual Expressions from Full Gospel Assembly in Huntington and the Men's Chorus of First Baptist Church of Burlington, Ohio. The free program and reception will be hosted by the Boyd County High School Celebration Club sponsored by Rhonda Salisbury. Attendees may also view an exhibit of paintings by Ashland native Jerry Johnson.
  • The Marshall University African Drumming & Dance Ensemble will perform at 7 p.m. Feb. 26 at the Highlands Museum & Discovery Center. The Ensemble, specializing in traditional music of West Africa, was created in 1998 by J. Steven Hall, Marshall University Professor of Music. The free program and reception will be hosted by the Paul G. Blazer High School Human Relations Club sponsored by Lynn Revely.

Monday, January 12, 2009

National Healthy Weight Week

January 18-24 is National Healthy Weight Week. Many people make a New Year's resolution to lose weight, exercise more, and get in shape, but these resolutions do not always last. The goal of National Health Weight Week is to celebrate healthy diet-free living habits that last a lifetime and prevent eating and weight problems.

For more information on how to help make your New Year's resolution, or your every-day resolution to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle stick, please read this article.